


Air quality in your home or office is important. The quality of the air you breathe can affect your health, so it’s important to know how to determine if the air is healthy. A few indicators can help you determine if the quality of air is acceptable. Here are some expert tips to ensure the quality of air in your home is healthy.

1. Change your AC filter.
The air conditiong filter is the most important element in your air quality. It filters dust and other particles from the indoor air. The improved indoor quality of air can improve people’s health who are sensitive to certain particles, such as asthma. Due to their large size, they’re often hard to clean and replace on your own, so you may need a professional technician to complete the job. However, it’s important to change your AC filter regularly. That way, you can keep the air healthy in your home.

2. Check your air ducts.
If you own a central air system, check to see if there are signs of damage to your air ducts. Damaged air ducts can trap bacteria and other particles that can potentially cause harm.
For example, small cracks in the walls of the duct system allow dirt, dust, and other particles to get into your home. Then, they go directly into the AC and circulate throughout all the rooms in your house.

3. Control humidity in your home.
If there are too many humidity levels in your home, it can cause damage to the quality of air. The relative humidity, or RH, measures the amount of moisture in the air. For example, if a room has a 50% RH level in it, 50% of the air is saturated with water vapor.
On the other hand, if a room has a 40% RH level, 40% of the air is saturated with water vapor.

4. Buy indoor plants to freshen the air.
Indoor plants can make a room feel more refreshing and improve the quality of air. Plants make the air smell nice and add extra oxygen to your room. If you want to keep your home smelling fresh, consider getting a few plants there. Additionally, planting indoor plants can help clean the air, too! When you have plants inside your home, they’ll absorb toxins from the air. That way, you won’t have dirty air circulating in your home.

5. Insulate your home.
Insulating your home can help keep the air warm, even if you’re not living. The insulation will trap the heat inside your home so that the air doesn’t cool off too much, causing a reduction in indoor humidity and causing problems with the indoor quality of air. It’s also important to insulate your attic because that’s where dirty air is transported back into the house before it gets to other rooms of the house. Elite Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Service enable you to keep the indoor air healthy and protected!

6. Have proper ventilation with a fan or Air Conditioning unit.
To keep the air circulating in your home, you need to have at least one window open per 150-200 square feet of living space (make sure it can be closed in case of bad weather). If you don’t have enough windows, use an exhaust fan to circulate the air in your house and keep the conditions pleasant. A central AC system is also a good choice for keeping the quality of air in your home clean. If you’re using a window AC unit, make sure to close all of your windows when it’s on so that they can absorb all of the dirty air.

Are you looking for ways of improving the quality of air in your home? Elite Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning Service will help you install efficient HVAC systems and the best AC maintenance services. 


Business Name – Elite Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

Address:  3085 E Post Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89120, United States

Phone Number: 702-263-2665

Website: https://www.eliteheatingandac.com/